Interior Regulation

The objective of establishing the college
In order to preserve the national security of Egypt that is represented in the preservation and development of water resources and their well managed as well as the energy sources, represented in oil and natural gas in addition to the development and exploitation of various raw materials to meet the future needs of
industry and urban expansion
The main objective of the College is to produce generations of specialists to meet the needs of the labor market for industrial establishments and bodies of various kinds in the field of water resource management, drainage, petroleum exploration, mineral resources, environmental assessment, industrial development
Therefore, the strength of the college lies in the commitment to develop the basic skills of graduates and researchers through research and training, which makes them qualified to engage strongly in the industrial and applied fields to meet the needs for human resources that are much needed in different industrial sectors

Vision of the Faculty of Earth Science:
The College seeks to be a leader in the fields of exploration and management of water resources, petroleum, mineral and environmental resources. The College seeks to achieve leadership and creativity by adopting its academic programs and specialized applications in different sectors.

Mission of the Faculty of Earth Science :
To prepare qualified scientific cadres in the fields of exploration and management of water resources, petroleum, mineral resources and environmental effects to meet the requirements of the labor market and provide them with practical skills conforming to the standards of the National Authority for Quality Assurance of Education and Accreditation for the Advancement of Scientific Research and Community Services.

Regulations of the Faculty of Earth Science for the bachelor degree in the system of credit hours
Article (1) The Faculty of Earth Sciences at Beni Suef University consists of the following scientific sections:
1- Department of Water Geology and Environment
 2- Mineral Resources Department
3-Department of Engineering Geology
4. Geophysics Department
Other departments may be established in accordance with the provisions of the Law
of organization of Egyptian Universities

Article (2) Scientific Degrees
1- The University of Beni Suef shall be awarded upon the recommendation of the Council of the Faculty of Earth Science Bachelor's degree in Earth Science in one of the following disciplines:
1. Water geology and the environment
2. Applied Minerals
Other programs may be established in accordance with the provisions of the Law of organization of Egyptian Universities
2. Students who have completed the graduation requirements in any of three stages of graduation will be awarded a Bachelor's degree 

BSU 101 English Language (2 cr.) Present and review the fundamental principles
 and concepts of the four skills of the English language, "listening, reading, writing and speaking." Present and review the fundamental principles and concepts of the four skills of the English language, "listening, reading, writing and speaking." BSU 102 Human Rights (2 cr.) Basic concepts of human rights: human rights definitions, importance of study human rights, human rights and people rights. Origin and source of human rights: origin and development. Sources: national and international sources. Categories of human rights and constrains. Rights: civilian and political rights, social and economical rights, human rights in Islamic religion and other religions. Constrains: constrains under normal conditions, constrains under critical conditions. Tactics for human rights protections: constitutional tactics, national and international legislative tactics. Applied aspects of human rights: in the medical fields, in engineering fields, in agricultural fields, in scientific research field. Case study of human rights at the national and international levels. BSU 103 Computer (2 cr.) History of computers. Data types and data representations. Understanding the design and functioning of hard ware and software computer systems. Computer network ands and types. WWW (World Wide Web). Computer virus. Introduction to operating systems. Introduction to office software. Programming languages. BSU 104 Philosophy of Science (2 cr.) Knowledge theory and characters of scientific Knowledge – mutual relationship between science technology and society. Phases of science history. Theories of science history. Scientific concept (Mathematical– Experimental). Introducing the scientific achievements of Arabic and Islamic civilization scientists. Analysis of جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 24 scientific development and current scientific theories through selected models from mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, biology ……..etc .the importance of searching in the fields of history and philosophy of science. BSU106 Principles of management (2 cr.) Management and management careers, the history of management, organizational objectives, fundamentals of planning, fundamentals of organizing, fundamentals of influencing and communication, principles of controlling, accounting: the language of business, recording changes in financial position, measuring business income, completion of accounting cycle, accounting for merchandising activities, plant and equipment& depreciation . BSU108 Arabic Language (2cr.) Students will acquire the language skills such was writing, reading and conversation. Also, studying selected Arabic texts in accordance with the nature of study at the faculty of science, in addition to study of modern Arab intellectual trends. BSU 110 Safety and Health Professions (2 cr.) Historical Perspectives, Safety and Health Professions, Theories of Accident Causation. Regulatory History. Workers’ Compensation. Loss Control Programs. Injury and Illness Record Keeping. Identifying Hazards. Safety Audit and Inspection. Accident Investigation and Analysis. Computers and Information Management. Safety Training and Promoting Safety. ثانيا: متطمبات الكمية االجبارية ES 101 Geology 1(3 cr. 2 le-3 lab) Crystallography: Introduction to crystallography (crystalline substance, crystal lattice), Types of unit cells, Crystal growth and crystal habits, Laws of rational indices and constancy of interfacial angles, zones and zone- axes, External and internal symmetry elements. Description, identification and drawing of the different forms of the seven crystal systems. Crystal aggregates and twin crystals. Minerals and Rocks: Physical properties of minerals, identification, economic uses and mode of occurrence of different examples of the different mineral groups (native, oxide, hydroxide, sulphide, sulphate, carbonate, halides, phosphate, borate, silicate). Rock cycle and classification of rocks. Identification and occurrence of the common types of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. ESCh103 General Chemistry 1 (3 cr. 2 le-3 lab): Physical Chemistry1:Measurements and Unites, Stoichiometry, Units and Transformation, Ideal gas theories, Non-ideal gas theories, Solids, Liquids, Inter- and intra-molecular forces, Thermodynamics, Application of thermodynamics laws, Zero and First order rate of reaction, Second and third order rates of reaction, Phase diagram. Inorganic chemistry: Electronic structures of atoms, Chemical periodicity, Chemical bonding, Trends of atomic properties in the P.T., Lewis structures, Formal charges & oxidation numbers, Molecular orbital theory. Practical inorganic chemistry lab 2 h/w: identification of simple inorganic unknowns. جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 25 ESZ105 General Zoology (2 cr. 1 le-3 lab) Cytology, histology, embryology, protozoa and invertebrate: Histology and Cytology: Introduction, General characters of epithelial tissues, Types and functions of epithelial tissues, General Characters and functions of connective tissues, Types of connective tissues, Structure and types of muscular tissues, Origin, structure and types of nerve cell, Cell membrane, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, Lysosomes, Cytoplasmic inclusions, Nucleus. Invertebrate: General Characters of Protozoa, Sarcodina, Sarcomastigophora, Sporozoa, Ciliophora, General characters of Arthropoda, Subphylum trilobitomorpha, Subphylum Chelicerata, Class Arachnida, Subphylum Mandibulata. ESPh107 General Physics 1(3 cr. 2 le-3 lab) Properties of matter and heat: Introduction (Units and dimensions, power of ten notation, plane angles, solid angles, scalar and vectors the Greek alphabet). Mechanics I. Mechanics II, Simple harmonic motion. Elasticity. States of matter. Archimedes principle, surface tension. Motion of fluids (General concept of fluid low, streamlines, the equation of continuity, Bernoulli’s equation application of equation of continuity Bernoulli’s equation).Viscosity. Heat and Energy (Temperature, The Celsius-Kelvin-Fahrenheit scale, Thermal expansion, thermal stresses heat capacity). Heat transfer (Conduction, radial heat flow, convection, Radiation, Stefan-Boltzmann law, the ideal radiator). The first law of thermodynamics I (Energy and work in thermodynamics, work in volume changes, heat in volume changes, internal energy, adiabatic process, isochoric process, isothermal process, isobaric process). The first law of thermodynamics II (differential form of the first law, heat capacities of an ideal gas, adiabatic process for an ideal gas).The second law of thermodynamics (Microscopic form for the second law, macroscopic for of the second law, the Carnot theorem and conversion of energy).Lab: Introduction, Simple pendulum, Hooks law, Resonance Tube, Archimedes law, Surface tension, Viscosity of a liquid, Specific heat of solid, Latent heat of ice, Latent heat of wax, Newton's law of cooling, Jules law, Mechanical equivalent of heat. ESM109 Calculus 1(2 cr. 2 le-1 tr) Properties of Functions (Domain and range of polynomials and rational functions, Trigonometric functions, Inverse trigonometric functions, Logarithmic and exponential functions, hyperbolic functions, Inverse functions). Limits and Continuity (Formal definitions and theorems of limits, two sided limits, Formal definitions and theorems for the continuity, types of discontinuity, Examples). Differentiation (The derivative at a point, The Product and Quotient Rules, The Chain Rule - Differentiation of inverse functions - Implicit differentiation, Parametric differentiation, Higher order derivatives). Applications of Differentiation (Some applications, Indeterminate Forms and L’Hopital’s Rule). Functions of Several Variables (Definitions for Function of Several Variables, Partial Derivatives, The Chain Rule). ESG102Geology 2 (3 cr. 2 le-3 lab) Physical and Historical Geology: Origin of the Earth, Age of the earth (relative and absolute ages), Geological time scale, Paleogeography, facies and life of Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic Eras. Unconformities, folds, faults and principles of plate tectonics. Weathering (mechanical and chemical weathering and their products), Mass جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 26 wasting (basis of their classification and description of the different types of mass wasting), Running water (hydrological cycle, erosion, transportation and deposition by streams), Ground water (porosity and permeability, movement of ground water, artesian wells, thermal springs and geysers, erosion and deposition by groundwater), Deserts and Winds (distribution and causes of dry lands, erosion, transportation and deposition of sediments by wind), Shoreline system (wave breaker and refraction, long shore drift. erosion and deposition along coasts). ESCh104 General Chemistry2: (3 cr. 2 le-3 lab) Physical chemistry: Chemical equilibrium, Problems on chemical equilibrium, Lowering in vapor pressure, Elevation of boiling point, Osmosis, Application on colligative properties of solution, Oxidation reduction reaction, Balancing the redox equation, pH- titration curves, Choose of the pH indicators, Hydrolysis of simples salts, Buffer solutions, Colloidal properties. Organic chemistry: Introduction and classification, systematic approach to nomenclature, alkenes and cycloalkane, (structure, syntheses and reactions) isomerism, structural, valences, tautomerismandstereomerism. Conjugation and aromaticity (structure of benzene). Practical organic lab: purification of organic compounds, element test. ESB106 General Botany (2 cr. 1 le-3 lab) Systematic: classification of kingdom, characteristics of kingdom plantae. Morphology: Introduction: angiospermae, structure of a typical flower, pollination, fertilization and seed development, the life cycle of an angiosperm. Seeds and seed germination: structure of the seeds factors affecting seed germination. Changes occurring during seed germination. Dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous seeds and seedlings. Habitat of plants, the plant body: root system, the buds, origin of buds, function of buds, structure of buds, classification of buds. The stem: functions of the stem, origin of stem, branching of the stem, habit of the stem, metamorphosis of the stem. The leaf: different kind of leaves, functions of the leaf, duration of the leaf, leaf insertion and arrangement, phyllotaxy, leaf structure, modification of leaves. Anatomy: the structure of the plant cell, protoplast, the protoplast, the protoplasmic components, the non- protoplasmic components, the cell wall, pits, plant tissues, meristematic tissue, mature (permanent) tissues, complex vascular tissues, the epidermis. ESPh108 General Physics 2 (3 cr. 2 le-3 lab) Electromagnetism: Electric charge and electric field, Gauss’ Law, Electric potential, Electric current and resistance, Capacitance and electronic circuits, Electric charge and electric field, The Magnetic field, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law of induction. Optics: Nature of light, Reflection and refraction, Mirrors and Lenses, Optical instruments, Optical defects of eye, Prisms and dispersion of light, Spectroscopy. Practical physics 2h/week: Introduction, Ohms law, Inverse square law, M, H, Meter bridge, Kirchhoff's law, Concave lens, Convex mirror, Concave mirror, Liquid lens, Dispersive power of a prism. ESM 110 Calculus 2 (2 cr. 2 Le – 1 tr.) Introduction of the fundamental mathematical procedures (multi-variable differentiation and integration), vectors, matrices, infinite series, power series, vectorvalued functions and functions of several variables. جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 27 ثالثا: متطمبات التخصص لمبرامج مقرارات مشتركة ESCh 201Analytical Chemistry (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Fundamentals of quantitative chemical analysis, Quantities and concentrations, Stoichiometric calculations, Errors and uncertainties in quantitative analysis, Acids and bases, Acid-baseequilibria, Acid-base titration, Precipitation and solubility of precipitates in water and in the presence of a common ion or fixed acid concentration, Precipitation titrimetry involving argentometric titrations, Complexometric titration, Oxidation-reduction titration, Applications covering all four types of volumetric titrations. ES 205 Introduction of Geophysics (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Physical properties of rocks and minerals, importance of geophysics and its relation to other subjects, principles of seismic, gravity, magnetic, electrical and electromagnetic methods. Integration between the different geophysical methods. ESCh 206 Organic Chemistry (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Principles of isomerism, formal charge and resonance.Alkanes and cycloakanes. Introduction tostereochemistry, chilrality, enantiomers and diastereoisomers, configuration, sequence rule, andconformational isomers, reaction involving stereoisomers, and generation of chiral center. Chemistry of alkenes and alkynes, preparation and reactions with emphasis on combustion and polymerisation process. Aromatic compounds, electrophilic substitution reactions. Organic halogen compounds, substitution and elimination reactions. Alcohols and ethers, aldehydes and ketones, phenols, synthesis, reactions and properties, amines and related nitrogen compounds, chemistry and reactions, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, reactions and preparations with application in organic industry. ES 207 Crystal Optics and Optical Mineralogy (3 cr. 2 le-2 lab) Crystal Optics: Introduction, general properties of light, reflection, refraction, polarization of light, Behavior of light in isometric, uniaxial and biaxial crystals, Ray velocity and wave velocity surfaces, The uniaxial and biaxial indicatrix. Examination of minerals in ordinary and polarized light and between crossed nicols, Examination of minerals in convergent light, Types of uniaxial and biaxial interference figures, Uses of interference figures. Optical Mineralogy: Introduction, Mineral classification (opaque and non opaque minerals), identification of minerals under transmitted light(Sulfur, Graphite), Halides, Oxides, silicate minerals, feldspare, Alkali-feldspare, Feldspathoids, Mica group, Chlorite group, Amphibole group, pyroxene group, mica group, Clay mineral group, Serpentine group. ES 208 GIS and Remote Sensing (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction to photogeology. Study of landforms, structure, lithology, surface processes using satellite data and aerial photographs. Use of digital multispectral images and radar images for geological mapping. The history, operation and applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).Aspects of GIS including data collection, preprocessing, data management and data analysis as well as the application of these systems. جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 28 ES 209 Principles of Paleontology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Definition of Paleontology and related branches of Sciences. Types of fossils and fossil preservation, taphonomy. Taxonomic classification, classification of environments, microfossils Protozoa, Porifera, Brachiopoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata (General characters. Skeleton, Classification, ranges, and environments). ES 210 Water Chemistry and Pollution (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Water pollution, point source, non-point source, urban pollution, agricultural pollution, atmospheric pollution, smog, nutrient pollution, eutrophication, organic pollution, herbicides, pesticides, chemical pollution, sediment pollution, storm water runoff, urbanization, algae, phosphate, nitrogen, ion, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, nitrifying bacteria, proteins, water quality, pH, acid, alkaline, basic, neutral, dissolved oxygen, organic material, temperature, thermal pollution, salinity. ES 211 Structural Geology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction (definition, relation of structural geology to general geology, objectives of structural geology), Non Tectonic structures (primary and synsedimentary structures of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks and its importance in determination of general attitude of strata), Folds (definition, nomenclatures, plung, refolding, field study of strata, mechanics and causes of folding), Description and classification of Faults (general characteristics, nature and movement along faults, different classification of faults, Criteria for recognizing faults (physical and physiographic criteria and map symbols), Classification of faults (Reverse, thrust and overthrust faults, Normal Faults and strike slip faulting and dating of structural events), Cleavage and schistosity (description and terminology , origin , relation of cleavage and schistosity to major structure). Diapirs and related structures (evaporate diapers, serpentinite diapers, sedimentary vents and mudlumps, Impact structures. ES 212 Field Surveying (2 cr. 1 le -2 lab) Introduction of survey, definition of different terminology and different tools used in surveying. Directions and angles, local attraction and their correction. General principles of plane and geodetic survey, Compass surveying, Different types of plane surveying: Traversing method. Intersection method, resection method and three point problem solving method. ESB 214 Microbiology (2 cr. 1 le -2 lab) Basic microbiology, Overview of the microbial world including a survey of the structure, function, and diversity of microorganisms. Introduction to the concepts of microbial physiology. Practical Course: - Includes practical application for theoretical course. Biochemistry of the bacterial cell, Metabolism and biosynthetic pathways in microorganisms, Macromolecules and molecular genetics. ESM215 Geostatistics (2 cr., 2L-1tr) Univariate and bivariate descriptions, spatial description, random Function Model including, deterministic and probabilistic models, random variable, conditional and joint probability, random function, multivariate random function .Inference and Modeling, sampling designs, correction for preferential sampling, semivariogram inference and modeling, model of coregionalization, the practice of modeling .Spatial Interpolation, thiessen polygons, inverse distance method, univariatekriging, change جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 29 of support Noise filtering and mapping of regional components, incorporation of secondary information in prediction, cokriging. ES 216 Stratigraphy (2 cr. 1 le -2 lab) Introduction and stratigraphic procedures, Stratifications: (cross stratification, graded bedding, varves, cyclothems, stratification and rock sequence), Stratigraphic relationships (vertical and lateral relationships, transgression and regression, overlap, offlap, onlap and overstep), Code of stratigraphic nomenclature (lithostratigraphic unit, biostratigraphic unit, chronostratigraphic unit, geochonologic unit), Correlation (litho-, bio- and chrono-correlation), Stratigraphic maps (isopach, structure contour, isolith, percentage, ratio, triangle ratio maps). ESM 217 Numerical Analysis (2 cr. 2le - 1tr) Error Analysis - Numerical Solution of Non-Linear Equations - Numerical Solution of Systems of Linear Equations – Numerical Interpolation - Numerical differentiation and Integration - Numerical solution of IVP - Solving linear system of equations - Linear least squares. ESCh 218 Analytical Techniques (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Studying different tools of characterization of minerals and rocks. Imaging techniques and x-ray analysis. Calculation of crystallite size mathematically – determination of crystallite size by TEM and SEM, Automated methods of analysis, overview of automatic instruments, Instrumentation, flow injection analysis, discrete automatic systems, Analysis based upon multilayer films - Thermogravimetric methods (TG), Differential thermal analysis (DTA), Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). ESPh 219 Radiation Physics (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction, Nuclear properties, Radioactivity, Interactions of radiation with matter. Detection and measurements of radiation, Biological effect of radiation, The system of dose limitation. ESA 220 Introduction to Astronomy (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Ptolemy and the geocentric universe, Copernicus and Heliocentric Universe, Rise of modern astronomy: Tycho and Kepler, Newton gravity and the laws of motion, Orbits in the Solar System, The Cosmological Principle. The Earth as an astronomical object, comparison and contrast of the Earth with other planets, Classification of the planets of the solar system, The origin of the solar system, Stellar magnitudes and spectra: Star Clusters and the Hertzsprung_Russel (HR) Diagram, Dynamics of Star Clusters; Open Clusters, Globular Clusters, RR Lyrae Variables, Population II Cepheids, White dwarfs and red giants, Neutron Stars, The interstellar medium and stellar birth, Black holes. ES 301 Sedimentary rocks (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Physical properties of sediments (grain size, shape, sphericity, roundness, surface texture of grains, fabric & packing and porosity & permeability), Textural & compositional maturity of sediments. Sedimentary structures. Terrigenous sedimentary rocks (their composition, classification and diagenesis).Carbonate rocks, mineralogy of carbonate sediments, components of limestone (non-skeletal grains, skeletal components, micrite, cement), Classification of limestone (Dunham, Folk) جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 31 and diagenesis. Cherts of siliceous sediments, chert petrology, bedded and nodular cherts, phosphorites (types & origin), evaporites (types & origin, occurrences). ES 302 Basement Rocks (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction, tectonic framework of Egypt, The basement complex of the Eastern Desert and Sinai: (a-Review on basement classification, b- Pan-African Orogeny, cPre-Pan-African rocks, d- Pan-African rocks), Precambrian of Egypt: (a- Review on the basement units, b- Layered sequences: gneisses, ophiolites, island arc volcanics , metasediments, Dokhan volcanics, Hammamat sediments, c- Intrusive rocks: serpentinites, metagabbro diorite complex, older granitoids, younger granitoids), Precambrian in the Western Desert, derivation of crustal growth and evolution models. ES 303 Metamorphic Petrology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Definition, controls and types of metamorphism, Metamorphic reactions, chemical classification of metamorphic rocks, Metamorphic textures, grade of metamorphism, metamorphic facies, metamorphic zones, Phase rule, ACF, AKF & AFM diagrams, Thermal metamorphism (textures, characteristics of contact aureoles), Thermal metamorphism (facies of low pressure: albite-epidote hornfels facies, hornblende hornfels facies, pyroxene hornfels facies, sanidinite facies), Regional metamorphism (textures, pre-, syn- & post-tectonic crystallization, poly-metamorphism), Regional metamorphism (burial metamorphism, facies of burial metamorphism, regional metamorphism: metamorphic facies series, general model for regional metamorphism), Regional metamorphism (medium to high pressure facies: green schistfacies, epidote –amphibolite facies, amphibolite facies, granulite facies, blueschist facies, eclogite facies), Dynamic and shock metamorphism, Sea-floor metamorphism. ES 304 Geology of Egypt (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction (objectives, geographic location, climate, historical review on geology of Egypt), Geomorphic Units of Egypt, Tectostratigraphic units of Egypt, Volcanic Activity in Egypt, The classification of Precambrian Rocks of Egypt and their economic resources, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Rocks (paleogeography, facies, stratigraphy and economic aspects). ES 307 Igneous Petrology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction, (mode of occurrence, types of intrusions, types of extrusive), Rock forming minerals and common volcanic and plutonic texture, Classification of igneous rocks (IUGS, SiO2%, D. I., AFM, TAS, Silica saturation, Alumina content, Alkali-lime index, etc.), Crystallization of magma: (Bown reaction series, equilibrium and phase rules), Geometric-topologic properties of Two-Component systems with complete solid solution, Evolution of magma: (Fractional crystallization, contamination and magma mixing), Application of plate tectonic concept to igneous rocks, Rock associations: ("Ophiolite" and oceanic lithosphere rock association), Igneous rocks of continental margin: (Subduction-related volcanics and their plutonic equivalent), Igneous rocks of continental lithosphere: (Flood basalt and continental rift rocks), Layered mafic intrusions: (Field observations, petrographic and geochemical characteristics), Carbonatite, Lamprophyre and Kimberlite: Field observations, petrographic and geochemical characteristics and economic potentialities. جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 31 ES 309 Clay Mineralogy (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction to clay minerals (Definition, origin, and properties), Composition, structure and classification of common clay minerals. Characterization of clay minerals by different techniques such as XRD, XRF and SEM. Modification of clay minerals. Clay minerals in Egypt. Application of clay minerals and modified clays in different application. ESCh 311 Thermodynamics (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Basic concepts and definitions of thermodynamics.the properties of a pure and heat. the first law of thermodynamics. the second law of thermodynamics. The steam cycle. ES 313 Synthetic materials (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction to synthetic materials, Different types of synthetic materials, Raw materials and wastes used in the synthesis of different materials, Characterization of the synthetic materials by different techniques, Using of synthetic materials in different applications. ES 314 Field Geology 1 (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Nature of field work-identification of topographic and geomorphic features in the field.Field relations of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. Field relations of ore minerals- Measurement of distance, angles, and directions. Measurements of differences in elevation. Study of the surveying instruments. Details on the use of the Plane table Alidade and Stedia Rode Methods of measuring stratigraphic sections. Field training: Performed in a field trip for one week /academic Year to certain area in Egypt. ES 317 Geomorphology (2 Cr.) Introduction and historical background, Geomorphological processes, Physical processes, Chemical processes, Mass movements, Fluvial geomorphology, Karst topography, Arid region geomorphology, Geomorphological mapping. ES 320: Petroleum Geology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Sedimentary basins – Reservoir – Seal – Traps – Timing – Maturation – Migration and accumulation of hydrocarbon - Analysis of source rocks - Analysis of reservoir – Analysis of petroleum statistics. ES 408 Field Geology 2 (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Field training: Performed in a field trip for one week /academic Year to certain area in Egypt. The students learning in the form of team working the following: Planning the field projects, use field equipment’s safety, field notebook and field observations. Applying a compass survey in determination the angles directions and orientations of different structure in any area. Measuring, sampling (fossils, rocks) drawing surface stratigraphic sections. Field observations of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks in any area. Field mapping. Field reports. Visiting to applied geological fields (ex. Petroleum fields, natural resources exploitations in mines or quarries) that present in the visited area. جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 32 ES 414 Environmental Impact assessment (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Definition, scope and field of application of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).Methodologies of EIA. Assessment of impacts. National and international legislation of EIA. Discussion of case studies. ES 418 Engineering Geology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Advanced soil and rock mechanics, Engineering classification of soils, Engineering classification of rocks, Site investigation techniques , Insitu-tests and monitoring techniques, Mechanical properties of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks, Rocks and Soils slope stability analysis and protection measures. ES 419 Quaternary Geology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Principles of Quaternarystudies emphasizing terrestrial records and paleoecology of the past two million years and comparisons with the deep ocean record and models of climatic change. Geochronology; palemagnetism; other nonchronometric dating methods; precipitation causes, types, and patterns; alluvial and marine terraces; mean sea-level history; gravity. Classification of Quaternary sediments of Egypt رابعا: متطمبات التخصص لبرنامج جيولوجيا المياة Hy 202 Hydrogeochemistry (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Chemical background, the carbonate system and pH control (carbonic acid system, alkalinity and titration curves, calcium carbonate solubility, dolomite, high Mgcalcite, ground and surface water in carbonate terrain). Clay minerals and cation exchange. Adsorption (Empirical Equation, surface complexation. Redox conditions in natural waters. Stability relationship and silicate equilibria. Hy 203 Introduction to Hydrogeology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) The hydrologic cycle, the hydrologic equation, Origin and importance of groundwater, Vertical distribution of subsurface water, Rock properties affecting groundwater, Aquifers. Specific yield and specific retention, Hydraulic head and Darcy's experiment, Darcy's law, Hydraulic conductivity, Specific discharge and average linear velocity, Permeameters, pumping test, tracer test, Aquifer types, Aquifer characteristics, Aquifer testing, Homogeneity and isotropy, Well hydraulics, Consequences of groundwater withdrawal, Groundwater flow equations, Steady and unsteady flow, Boundary conditions, Groundwater modeling, Groundwater quality, Expressing concentrations of solutes, Major, minor and trace constituents, Routine groundwater analysis and errors, Visualizing chemical data, Piper diagram and hydrochemical facies, Origin of major constituents, Groundwater pollution, Assessment of groundwater quality. Hy 204 Geophysical exploration of groundwater (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Petrophysical properties of permeable and low-permeable rocks; seismic velocities, electrical resistivity. Seismic method, geoelectrical methods; Basic principles, vertical electrical sounding, resistivity mapping, self-potential measurements, 2D measurements, Electromagniticmehods; airborn techniques, ground based techniques. جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 33 Transient electromagnetic method.Ground penetrating radar.Magnetic, geothermal and radioactivity method. Hy 305 Water Treatment 1 (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) The aim of wastewater treatment, the composition of wastewater, unit processes in wastewater treatment, processes selection and design consideration, impact of wastewater effluent on oxygen in receiving waters, combine and receiving sewers, sources and variability in wastewater flow, preliminary treatment, Biological treatment, nutrient removal, Disinfection, sludge treatment. Hy 306 Water logging (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Land degradation in the Desert: a legacy of large scale irrigation, Institutional assessments of risk of irrigation induced waterlogging and salinization using ground based survey, Remote sensing studies for monitoring waterlogging and salinization in arid lands, Modeling irrigation induced groundwater table change scenarios, management of waterlogged saline soils, drainage alteration, surface drainage, subsurface drainage, horizontal drainage, Strategies to minimize drainage effluent, onfarm water management, Drainage system design and operation, Bi-level Drainage, integrated drainage system. Hy 308 Water treatment 2 (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Nature of Industrial Wastewaters, the Sewage Treatment Plant Example, Preliminary Unit Processes, The Industrial Wastewater Treatment; pulping, prewashing, heat, and chemical loop, screening, through-flow cleaning, forward cleaning, washing, flotation, dispersion, bleaching, water recirculation and makeup, Biological, Sludge Management, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals; Manufacturing Wastewater, Livestock farms Wastewater, Slaughterhouse Wastewater, Palm Oil Mill and Refinery Wastewater. Hy 310 Karst Hydrogeology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Specific investigation techniques of karst aquifers, geology and geomorphology of karst, General hydrologic characteristics of karst aquifer systems, A basic concept: water balances, Spring hydrographs, Precipitation and recharge monitoring, Water flow measurement, Electronic data logging, Hydraulic methods, Hydraulic and hydrogeologic parameters, Hydraulic borehole tests, Aquifer pumping tests, Hydrochemical methods, Isotopic methods, Tracer techniques. Hy 311 Geochemistry of natural water (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Chemical background, the carbonate system and pH control (carbonic acid system, alkalinity and titration curves, calcium carbonate solubility, dolomite, high Mgcalcite, ground and surface water in carbonate terrain). Clay minerals and cation exchange. Adsorption (Empirical Equation, surface complexation. Redox conditions in natural waters. Stability relationship and silicate equilibria. Hy 213Water Resources (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Types of water resources (renewable and non-renewable water resources, natural and actual renewable water resources, exploitable water resource), Internal renewable water resources, surface water and groundwater, External water resources, out flow, Water quality and nonconventional water sources, Methods used to compute water resources by country (data source, assessing internal renewable water resources, scale جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 34 and impact of evaporation, assessing external renewable water resources and total resources, assessing total renewable water resources and the dependency ratio, assessing exploitable resources. Hy 315 Stream Hydrology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) General characters of streams. Characteristics of catchment areas; delimiting and measuring the catchment area, stream length, stream patterens, stream orders, miscellaneous morphometric measures.Streamflow hydrograph; Hydrograph Components, Separation of Stream flow Components, Hydrograph Separation, Unit Hydrograph, Unit Hydrograph from Complex Storms, Curve Method, Bernard’s Distribution Graph, Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph, Synthetic Unit Hydrographs, Transposing Unit Hydrographs, Application of Unit Hydrograph.Floods (estimation and control). Hy 316 Hydrogeology of Coastal Aquifers (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Saltwater intrusion, saltwater intrusion and climate change, changing temperature and precipitation regimes, sea level rise, extreme weather events, coastal erosion, scientific monitoring and assessment, Engineering techniques. Hy 318 Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) The toxic compounds produced by cyanobacteria, the detection and quantified of cyanotoxins, cyanotoxins as hazards to health, the effect of cyanotoxins on wild animal and plants, multiple fates of cyanotoxins and their persistence in waterbodies, what should be done about cyanotoxins. Hy 319 Isotope Hydrogeology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) General characteristics of isotopes, isotope fractionation processes, stable isotope variations of heavy metals. Isotope fractionation processes of selected elements; hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, lithium, Sulpher.Isotope composition of modern recharge. Stable isotope altitude relationships, O18 & H2 relationship, isotope composition of groundwater, overview of groundwater carbonate evolution, isotope composition of carbonate minerals and groundwater, formation specific characteristics of groundwater. Hy 401Drinking Water Production Technology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Bottled water technology and its global ramifications, Bottled water as decentralized water system, bottled water technology, sources and types of bottled water, treatment of bottled water, bottled water regulations, health and environmental impacts, quality of bottled water, NSF certification, water quality and the consumers. Hy 402 Water wells and Aquifer Evaluation (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Source of water derived from wells, Aquifer tests, Analysis of aquifer test data, Time draw down analysis, Distance draw down analysis, Single well test, well interference, Aquifer boundaries, Tests affected by lateral boundaries, tests affected by leaky confining beds, well construction, well log, water well design, well acceptance tests and well efficiency, specific capacity and transmissivity, well field design, protection of supply well, Supply well problem –Decline in yield, Supply well problems-Change in water quality. جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 35 Hy 403 Soil Pollution (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Definition of oil pollution, the ways of soil pollution, type of soil pollution, causes of soil pollution; indiscriminate use of fertilizers, indiscriminate use of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, dumping of solid wastes, deforestation. Pollution due to urbanization; pollution of surface soils, pollution of underground soils.Effects of soil pollution. Hy 404 Hydrogeology of dams (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction, the geologic and hydrogeologic controls in determination of the dam sites, measurements of surface flow, analyses of flood hydrograph, determination of the intensity and flow of the flood, Flood risk assessments, hydrogeology of the surface reservoirs and their management strategies, management and protection of dams. Hy 405 Groundwater aquifers in Egypt (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Groundwater conditions in Egypt, the stratigraphic and structure controls of groundwater aquifers in Egypt, recharge conditions of Egyptian groundwater aquifers, the geochemical factors control the composition of groundwater in Egypt, relation between surface and groundwater in the Nile flood plain and Delta aquifer. Hy 406 Saline lakes and wetlands (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Slinelakes, the hydrogeochemical processes controlling the water chemistry of inland closed-basins, the basic chemical principles in presenting a quantitative treatment of the processes that determine the composition of natural saline lakes, the geochemical evolution of major ions in closed-basin lakes, the classification of saline lakes over the world based on their water chemistry and the climate change and its potential impact on the shrinkage and/or drying up of some major inland lakes. Moreover, the topics such as geochemical reaction modeling during evaporation of natural waters in closed-basin systems, minerals crystallization sequence during evaporation of saline water, hydrogeologic processes in different saline systems such as playas, sabkhas and saline lakes, economic potentiality of extracted mineral salts from saline lakes will be presented in course. Hy 407 Water resources Management (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Water availability in sufficient quantity and quality, The many uses of water, From fragmented to integrated management, The response of the United Nations system, Status of national IWRM planning and implementation, Analysis of the UN-Water Survey, Comparative analysis of the UN-Water Survey with those of GWP and AfDB, Implementation of IWRM and Water Efficiency Plans and Outcomes of Implementation, Examples of ongoing IWRM processes, Case studies from selected countries. Hy 409 Hydrogeology of Nile River Basin (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Hydrological Variability and Climate of the Upper Blue Nile River Basin, HydroMeteorology and Water Budget of the Mara River Basin Under Land Use Change Scenarios, Hydrological Balance of Lake Tana, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia, Satellite Rainfall Estimation, Satellite Based Cloud Detection and Rainfall Estimation in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Evaluation of Satellite Rainfall Estimates and Gridded Gauge Products over the Upper Blue Nile Region, Hydrological Water Availability, Trends and Allocation in the Blue Nile Basin, Livestock-Water Productivity in the جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 36 Nile Basin: Solutions for Emerging Challenges, Blue Nile (Abbay) Hydropower Potential, Prioritization, and Trade-Offs on Priority Investments, Concepts of Environmental Flow Assessment and Challenges in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia, Geospatial Mapping and Analysis of Water Availability, Demand, and UseWithin the Mara River Basin, Impacts of Irrigation on Soil Characteristics in Selected Irrigation Schemes in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Critical Water Resources Issues in the Nile River Basin. Hy 411 Meteorology and Artificial Rains (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) The global climate change and its effect on Cyprus and the eastern Mediterranean, Cloud seeding, for rain enhancement, natural and artificial rain enhancement by sea spry, static cloud seeding, seeding clouds with glaciogenic materials, seeding winter orographic clouds, dynamic seeding with glaciogenic materials, cloud seeding with hygroscopic materials, rain enhancement by cloud ionization, the seeding system, using vapor generation equipment to create artificial rain, some recent experiments, silver iodide smoke, energy types conversion to artificial rain in Dubi urban space. Hy 412 Biofiltration Technology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Biofiltration technology basics, compounds amenable to biofiltration, Biofilter design parameters and specification, mechanisms in biofilter operation, effect of biofilter media, commercial potential of biofiltration, biofilter in water and wastewater treatments. Hy 415 Rainwater harvesting techniques (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Reasons for rainwater harvesting, Advantages and disadvantages, Basic principles of rainwater harvesting; definition, catchment surfaces, delivery aspects, storage reservoirs, Pre-conditions for rainwater harvesting; Environmental considerations, Technical aspects, Water consumption and water management, Designing a rainwater harvesting system, Materials, construction and costs of storage reservoirs, Water quality; protecting water quality, filters, first flash, treatment of stored water. Hy 416 Groundwater soil cleanup (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Spread and Distribution of Hazardous Chemicals in Soils and Water – A Global Problem. Fate and Behavior of Anthropogenic Pollutants in Soils and Water. Advances in Chemical and Biological Techniques for Environmental Monitoring and Predicting. Novel Physico-Chemical Techniques of Soil and Water Protection and Remediation. Biosystems for Non-Destructive Remediation and Immobilization of Pollutants in Soils, Sediments and Detoxification of Industrial Wastes. Hy 417 Aquatic geochemistry (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Aqueous complexes, Acids and bases, carbonate chemistry, adsorption – desorption reactions, oxidation – reduction concepts, Iron and sulpher geochemistry. Hy 420 Modeling (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Geological occurrence of groundwater, Elementary groundwater flow and transport process, Two and three dimensional flow of groundwater, Groundwater seepage, Modeling the movement of water and solute through preferential flow paths, Well hydraulics and aquifer testes, Well design and construction, aquifer characterization. جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 37 خامسا: متطمبات التخصص لبرنامج المعادن التطبيقية AM 202 Structural Mineralogy (2cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction, lattice points, crystal lattice, elements of symmetry, Geometry of crystal pattern, types of unit cells, Derivation of the Bravais lattice, Coordination scheme and coordination polyhedra, mineral species, XRD and internal structure of minerals, Structural variability, chemical variability, Structure of Homopolar and Molecular minerals (e.g. diamond, sulpher, graphite- Ionic minerals with Mesodesmic structures (e.g. inosilicate phyllosilicate, tectosilicate) Normal and inversed spinel structures. AM 203 Advanced Crystallography (cr. 1 le-2 lab) Types of unit cells, Stereographic projection, internal symmetry elements, Nomenclature of the space-group symmetry elements, Classification of crystals, holosymmetric and hemi-morphic classes, the thirty-two classes (point groups), derivation of the thirty-two point groups. AM 204Industrial Minerals and Rocks (2cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction, some elementary aspects of economic minerals, Aggregates and construction materials: (a- coarse and fine aggregates, b- cement and concrete, cDimension stones), Examples and applications: (a- ceramics & bricks, b- glass industry, c- insulators, d- pigments, e- cement industry, f- fertilizers, g- optics), Short notes on selected industrial minerals: talc, asbestose, clay minerals, graphite, slate, pumice, gypsum, feldspars, mica and dolomite. AM 305 Mineral Chemistry (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Structure of minerals (coordination number and geometric arrangement), covalent bond, electronegativity, Chemical classification of minerals, chemical techniques for mineral analysis, deduce the chemical formula of minerals, exsolution and solid solution in minerals , mineral stability diagram, transformation processes of minerals, structural phase transition, magnetic transition and magnetic properties of minerals, Radioactive minerals, rare earth elements, The crystallization of magma (Bowen’s reaction series), the thermodynamics of magmatic crystallization (rules governing the distribution of elements). AM306 Geochemistry (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction to geochemistry. The composition planets, abundance and origin of elements. Internal and zonal structure of the earth, composition of the earth’s crust.The composition of the earth as a whole, the primary differentiation of elements, the geochemical classification of elements Mineral chemistry: structure of minerals (coordination number and geometric arrangement), covalent bond, electronegativity ,silicate structures, relation between geochemical behavior of elements to their position in the periodic lawThe crystallization of magma (Bowen’s reaction series), the thermodynamics of magmatic crystallization (rules governing the distribution of elements). Minor elements in magmatic crystallization, residual solutions and pegmatites, volatile components of magma. Distribution of elements in sedimentary rocks. Marine and environmental geochemistry. Isotope geochemistry (radiogenic and stable isotopes). Techniques used in the analyses of geologic materials. جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 38 AM 308 Nanotechnology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Basic concepts Nano-systems; History of Nano-sciences, simple Nano-scale models, preparation methods of Nano-structure compound, characterization of Nanomaterial and introduction to nanotechnology. Nano-devices, materials used in Nanotechnology and Nano-industrial impact. AM 310 Mineral Exploration (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Prospecting and exploration process (definition terms, generating new projects and prospects, stages in prospect exploration). Guides for ore exploration (lithological, structural, physiographic, wall rock alteration guides). Mineral exploration drilling, Geophysical techniques geochemical methods, Geographical information system, Understand the role of Geochemical surveys (stream sediment sampling, soil sampling, heavy mineral concentrate sampling, laterite sampling, Geobotanical surveys) in mineral exploration. Describe and choose the appropriate method of exploration for each mineral deposit. AM 315 Plate Tectonics and Mineralization (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction, tectonics and structural geology, The interior of the earth, Plate tectonics: (principle tectonic features, plate tectonic theory, divergent margins, transform faults, convergent margins, continental rifts, triple junctions, collusions, orogenic belts, sea floor spreading)Tectonic history of the earth, Economic minerals associated with different plate boundaries, Mid Oceanic Ridges, Subduction zones, Transform faults, Recently mineralization in neotectonics. AM 316 Radioactive Minerals (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction, radioactive minerals: physical properties, optical characters, geologic occurrence, genesis, environmental impact of radioactive minerals, radioactive minerals in Egypt. Radioactive minerals in igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. AM 318 Evaporites (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Types of evaporite minerals and precipitation sequence in marine and non-marine settings, interpretation of genesis of evaporate sediments, facies sequence and analysis, relation to industrial application of minerals, study in details common evaporate minerals as gypsum, halites, anhydrite. AM 319: Subsurface Geology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Basic concepts of subsurface geology, Overview of subsurface geological and geophysical tools, subsurface mapping, Integration and interpretation of all data, Creation of subsurface geological model. AM 322 Economic Minerals in Egypt (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Definition of economic mineral (ore and industrial mineral).Processes of mineral formation, occurrence, setting and genesis of economic minerals. Study some major theories of ore genesis and the most important examples of ore deposits. The relation between ore deposits and Plate Tectonics. Evaluate the economic potentialities of economic minerals. Clustering the Egyptian ore deposits according to their occurrence, genesis, tectonic setting and distribution in space and time. Distribution, occurrence and origin of non metallic minerals in Egypt. Gemstones in Egypt, occurrence and genesis. جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 39 AM 401Environmental Mineralogy (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Minerals and human use, types of mineral resources, geology of mineral resources, environmental impact of mineral development, impact of mineral exploration and testing, impact of mineral extraction and processing, types of mining and their impact, water pollution, air pollution, impact on the biological environment ,minerals and human health, recycling mineral resources, minerals and sustainability. AM 402 Minerals and Water Treatment (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction to serpetine, zeolite, talc and carbonate minerals (Definition, origin, and properties).Composition, structure and classification of common zeolite minerals.Characterization of clay minerals by different techniques such as XRD, XRF and SEM. Modification of minerals via thermal and chemical activation.Application of zeolite minerals and natural and modified clays in water purification. Removal of heavy metals, dyes, organic compounds from wastewater by natural and modified materials as diatomite, diatomaceous earth materials, limestone, dolomite… AM403 Raw Materials and Industry (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Natural mineral resources, raw materials for cement industry, minerals additive in cement industry, raw materials for ceramics and glazy materials, wool rocks insulators, chemical industry, pigment industry, glass and optical industry. AM 404 Refractories (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Basic knowledge in fuels, furnaces, refractories, properties of the refractory mineral and how it affects the production technology and the application;metallurgical refractories under different categories, their main properties and application; Refractory Materials, Compositions, and Forms, Refractory Oxides and Non-oxides: Industrial Refractory Compositions, Refractory Brick and Shapes, Refractory Ceramic,Refractories for the Ferrous Industries, Refractories for the Non-ferrous Industries, Refractories for the Ceramic Industry, Refractories for the Glass Industry,Refractory in cement industry. AM405 Ore Geology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction terms used in economic geology, Deposition of the ores: (physical controls and chemical controls, paragenesis, zoning, depositonal textures, geothermometry and geobarometry, nature of ore-bearing solutions, transportation), Process of ore formation. (magmatic ore deposits, contact metasomatic process, hydrothermal process, sedimentation process, submrine exhalative and volcanogenic process, residual and mechanical concentration ores, supergene enrichment ores), Examples of ore deposits (massive sulphide deposits, Cu-Ni-Fe deposits associated with basic and ultrabasic rocks, porphyry copper, sedimentary iron ores, BIF), Mineralization in space and time. AM 406 Porous Materials (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction to porous minerals.Natural porous materials.Synthetic porous materials.Characterization of porous materials such as zeolites, active carbon, mesoporous materials and diatoms using different techniques.Application of different porous materials in water purification. جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 41 AM 407 Mineral processing (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction, ore handling, metallurgical accounting and simulation, comminution, particle size analyses, crushing, grinding mills, industrial screening, gravity concentration, dense medium separation, froth flotation, magnetic and electric separation, ore sorting, dewatering, metallic ore minerals , common non metallic minerals. AMG 409 Ore Mineralogy and Metallurgy (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Ore microscope (components of the ore microscope and accessories), the preparation of samples for ore microscopy, mineral identification, the optical properties of the minerals, observation in polarized light without analyzer (color – reflectivity, bireflection - internal reflection, observation in polarization (anisotropism and polarization colors), physical properties of ore minerals (crystal form and habit – zoning - cleavage and parting- twinning - inclusions and intergrowths - grain size and quantitative modal analysis, hardness ), textures of the ore minerals, deformation textures, paragenesis and paragenetic sequence of ore minerals. Study some alloys, components, characterization using different techniques. AM 411 Gemology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction, gemstones; definition and physical properties of gemstones. The physical constitution of gem minerals ,evaluating gemstones, optical features Of gem minerals, Grading for clarity - defects in the diamond and on the surface, The grading and certification of common gemstones based on gemological principles(grading certificates), How to value and price diamonds, Correct use of microscopes, loupes and other gem lab instruments, Understanding special cuts and shapes (known as fancy-shape diamonds), Understanding treated diamonds, including laser drilling, silicon filling, and other issues, gemstones business best business practices, How to differentiate natural diamonds from synthetic or lab-created, Examples of gemstones in Egypt. AM 412 Mining (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Prospecting and the exploration process (definition of the terms, generating new projects and prospects, stages in prospect exploration). Geophysical surveys in mineral exploration (satellite imagery, magnetic surveys, gravity surveys, radiometric surveys, electromagnetic surveys, electrical surveys). Reverse circulation (RC) drilling (drilling technique, geological logging, display and storage of cuttings, sampling). Rotary air blast (RAB) drilling (drilling technique, geological logging, display and storage of cuttings, sampling), Auger drilling, Mining methods (mining terminology, classification of mining methods). Alluvial mining and open cast mining or quarrying.Underground mining (open stops, overhand stopping).Mine economics (calculation of ore reserves, procedure for the estimation of reserves).Geologic mapping (regional mapping-mine mapping-large scale mapping-small scale mapping). AM 415 Submarine Mineral Resources (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction (Land and Ocean - Heights and depths on the Earth’s - surface - Continental margins).Plate Tectonics: (Earth interior structure - Active and Passive margins - Formation and destruction of ocean basins.Sediments: (Source of sediment particles - Terrigenous sediments - Biogenous sediments - Hydrogenous sediments - Cosmogenous sediments).Volcanics:Mineralization under sea; exploration and mining: Mn nodules, Au deposits. Recent submarine mineralized zones.
جامعة بنى سويف - كمية عموم االرض - آلئحة كمية عموم االرض لمرحمة البكالوريوس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة 41 AM416 Geopolymers (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction – Polymerization - Polymer structure and physical properties - Relative molecular mass and its determination-Thermal properties of polymersCharacterization of polymers. Synthetic Polymers, Studying the different methods for preparation of geopolymers, Characterization of the produced geopolymers. Studying the effect of adding nano material (nano silicate and nano aluminate&nano carbonate) to the produced geopolymers. AM 417 Minerals and Soil Remediation (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) Introduction: Spread and distribution of hazardous chemicals in Soils – A Global Problem, Fate and behavior of anthropogenic pollutants in soils, Fundamental issues in sorption related to physical and biological remediation of soils, The role of humic substances in the fate of anthropogenic organic pollutants in soil with emphasis on endocrine disruptor compounds, Incorporating bioavailability into criteria for metals. Novel physico-chemical techniques of soil protection and remediation, Current and future in situ treatment techniques for the remediation of hazardous substances in soil, sediments, Using abundant waste and natural materials for soil and groundwater protection against contamination, with heavy metals. AM 420 Monuments preservation and restoration (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) The Scientist's Role in Historic Preservation with Particular Reference to Stone Conservation. The principles of preservation. Geological properties of building stone. Physical properties of building stones. Deformation and fracture of rock. Problems in the deterioration of stone. The mechanism of masonry decay through crystallization. Characterization of bricks and their resistance to deterioration mechanism. Analytical Methods Related to Building and Monument Preservation. Wet and Dry Surface Deposition of Air Pollutants and Their Modeling. Measurement of Local Climatological and Air Pollution Factors Affecting Stone Decay. Diagnosis of Nonstructural Problems in Historic Masonry Buildings. Photogrammetric Measurement and Monitoring of Historic and Prehistoric Structures. StoneConsolidating Materials. The Suitability of Polymer Composites as Protective Materials. Exposure Site and Weatherometer Evaluations of Synthetic Polymers. The Evaluation of Stone Preservatives. AM 421 Geoarcheology (2 cr. 1 le-2 lab) The basic Principles of archaeology. Interfaces between archaeology and the geological sciences. Reconstructing environment and climate using archaeology. Study the role of geophysical prospection in archaeology. The role of the different age dating techniques in archaeology. The impact of the paleomagnetism (Earth’s Magnetic Field) on the history of ancient civilizations. The role of geomaterials (ceramic, brick, artifact, pottery vessels pigments and colorants) on archaeology.