حسام على

Hossam Abd El-Raouf Ali Ali
Address: Mahmud Abo Zaed Elhadad St, from Abd Elsalam Aref St, Beni-Suef, Egypt.
Telephone: +2 (082) 2222149
Mobile: 002 0111 7165 771 – 002 0101 5517 555
E-mail: p.hossamali@yahoo.com , p.hossamali@hotmail.com
ü 2021 Beni-Suef University - master's in psychology
ü 2006-2010 Beni-Suef University - BA Faculty of Arts
Major: Psychology - Grade : 71.15 %
- Good surfing skills on Win 98, Melnuem, XP, Vista, 7, 8 , 10.
- Good surfing skills on Microsoft office 2003,2007,2010,2013,2016.
- Good surfing skills on Photoshop and programs of movies maker ( movie maker &Camtasia studio &power director )
- Arabic : Mother Tongue
- English: Good command of English both writing and speaking.
ü Successfully completed a comprehensive seminar in “Successful Public Speaking”, certificated by Dale Carnegie, on 16th March, 2009.
ü Successfully completed training course of Entrepreneurship certificated by E-Youth from American Embassy held from 15th to 20 February 2013.
ü Successfully completed training course of TOT, "Training of Trainers" , at Cairo university certified by Supreme Council of Universities , March 2020 .
- Ø Pathways to Higher Education
ü Training course at Cairo University
v TOT, "Training of Trainers", held from 1st to 5th August 2010
v DLS, "Development of Leadership Skills", held from 26th to 30th July 2009.
ü Training course of DTMS ( Development of Thinking and Managerial Skills) , at Beni-Suef University ,
v Behavioral approach, from 30th June to 11th July 2009
v Knowledge approach, from 29th June to 9th July 2008
v Managerial approach, from 14th to 24th July 2007.
ü Successfully completed, ICDL course, at the Faculty of Commerce, certified by UNESCO.
ü Successfully completed, Flash Macromedia 2-D Animation course, at Center IT training, certified by Supreme Council of Universities.
Experience In the work sphere
- Facilitator
- At Future eyes nursery , at Beni-Suef from November 2019 to now .
- At ALmostakbal Academy , at Beni-Suef from October 2018 to now .
- At YAT Learning with project (Postal employees training) at Beni-Suef from 23th April to 26th April 2018.
- At (ICTP) Information and Communication Technology Project from Supreme Council Of Universities,at(BSU)Beni-Suef University from January 2011 to now.
- At Palace of Culture Beni-Suef with project (Child development) from 15th February 2017 to 29th June 2017.
- At Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport with project (Postal employees training) at Bait Elkhebra at Beni-Suef from January 2016 to January 2018.
- At E-Yoth organization held from March 2013 to 2015.
- With the Directorate of Youth and Sports at Beni-Suef Governorate within the figures program (Select your aims) 2013&(Team Work ) 2015.
- With faculty of Commerce & faculty of Arts at ( BSU ) within the figures program (Thakafet Fekra 1, 2, 3, 4) 2013.
- With Pathways to Higher Education project from July 2011 to 2013, at( BSU).
- At ODAR Academy (Our Dreams Are Real), held from 15th July 2010 to 1st March 2016.
Extracurricular Activities
- I am working as a part of organization with E-youth Bani Swef and Egypt from 2013 to now.
- I trained with Resala Association with Project “Blind to the better life” for one season at 2014.
- I am worked as a part of organization team with Pathways to Higher Education project within batches 3,4,8,9,10,11,12 for seasons; winter 2008, summer 2008, winter 2009 and summer 2012 & Radio announcer at the site.
- I am worked as Vice President for SIFE organization 2009 & President 2010.
- I am working as a part of organization team ODAR Team (Our Dreams Are Real), held from 15th July 2010 to now.
- With Adults ( 11700 hours )
- With kids ( 1520 hours )
- With Employees ( 2350hours )
ü Total = ( 15570 hours )
* Nationality: Egyptian * Date of birth: 28 September 1989
* Social Status: Married * Military Status: Finished
- References available upon request