Faculty Aims

 General objectives:
(1) The Faculty is unique in granting bachelor and postgraduate degrees in the field of navigation sciences and space technology at the regional, continental and Arab levels.
(2) Establishment of specialized training centers and laboratories in the field of navigation science and space technology.
(3) To contribute effectively to the Egyptian space program.
(4) Cooperation with Egyptian, Arab, African and international space bodies and institutions.
(5) Benefiting from specialized Egyptian expertise abroad.
Strategic objectives 
(1) Develop the role of the college as one of the outstanding scientific centers in the field of university education and prepare human cadres within the framework of the comprehensive quality system with future vision.
(2) To provide a university atmosphere that conforms to the philosophy and principles of quality and excellence in performance guided by cultural, social and moral values and principles of justice, equality, freedom, democracy, cooperation and independence. 
(3) To raise the efficiency and effectiveness of the college as one of the distinguished research centers that work to develop partnership and cooperation with educational and research centers and community institutions at the local, regional and global levels.
(3) To raise the efficiency and effectiveness of the college as one of the distinguished research centers that work to develop partnership and cooperation with educational institutions, research centers and community institutions at the local, regional and global levels.
(4) Increase the capacity of the college to contribute to sustainable development and serve the community and the environment and activate the units of a special nature and to market educational, research, applied and consulting services in college.
(5) to participate actively in the Egyptian space program.