College Establisment

 Decisions to establish the college and start the study

The Council of Beni Suef University in its session No. (138) held on 20/9/2016 approved the establishment of the Faculty of Science of Navigation and Space Technology in the university as the first specialized college of its kind in the Egyptian universities.

Approve the establishment and addition of the Faculty of Science of Navigation and Space Technology in accordance with the decision of the Prime Minister No. 849 of 2017 on 18/4/2017.

The approval of the Supreme Council of Universities on the internal rules of the College and the start of the study from the academic year 2018/2019 on 24/2/2018.

Approval of the Minister of Higher Education by Decision No. (1769) on 15/5/2018 concerning the issuance of the internal regulations of the Faculty of Science of Navigation and Space Technology in the system of credit hours and start of study in the college from the academic year 2018/2019.