الأستاذ الدكتور/ طارق على

Biography of Prof. Dr.  Tarek Ali Mohamed

Prof. Tarek  graduated in Physics from the Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt 1990. In 2003 he received his PhD in Laser Physics from the Atomic Physics Department of Stockholm University, Sweden. Following his appointment as Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, Cairo University in 2003, he became an Associate Professor at Beni-Suef University, Egypt in 2009, and a full Professor (Laser Physics) at Beni-Suef University, Egypt in 2015. During his PhD he was involved in studying electron ion recombination at the Ion Storage Ring (CRYRING), Stockholm. He succeeded to build an optical trap for circulating a laser pulses, which can be used in many applications that require a high repetition rate laser including medical, biological, industrial and environmental applications. In 2004 he collaborated with the laser cooling group at the Physics Department of the National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. There he developed a double magneto optical traps, MOT 's that was used to cool down Rb87 atoms and reach temperature of 120 nK (Bose Einstein Condensate, BEC). From 2005 to 2009 he joined the Atomic Physics Laboratory at Riken, Japan as a Collaborative Scientist. He developed a multi-ring trap (modified Penning trap) to accumulate and trap antiprotons and positrons which are the essential components to form Antihydrogen at CERN. From 2009 to 2012 he joined the Attosecond laser laboratory, Texas A&M University, USA, to develop a collinear fast beam spectroscopy and multi-pass cell for medical applications of laser and for tracer detection to explore reservoir structure. From 2012 to 2013 he was involved in the Electron Beam Ion Trap project (EBIT) with the atomic physics group at Stockholm University, Sweden. From 2014 to 2015 he appointed as a senior scientist at the Extreme Light Infrastructure - Attosecond Light Pulse Source, ELI-ALPS Laser Institute, Szeged, Hungary.  In 15 of March 2016 he appointed by Beni-Suef University to supervise and lead the Laser Institute for Resarch and Applications (LIRA).