الفرقة الثالثة قديم (Third year)

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الموضوعات البحثية الخاصة بالمقررات الدراسية -الفرقة الثالثة قديم - الفصل الدراسى الثانى للعام الجامعى 2019- 2020

1-               مقرر: باثولوجيا خاص

اسم القسم: الباثولوجيا

اسم المقرر :   باثولوجيا خاص

كود المقررPAT -3234

الفرقة: الثالثة قديم


الموضوعات البحثية

يجب الا يتجاوز عدد صفحات البحث 15 صفحة

1- Introduction (5 marks)

2- Categories (items) (25 marks)

        a-Etiology and pathogenesis

        b-Gross pathology


3- Conclusion (5 marks)

4-References (5 marks

1.    Liver cirrhosis

2.    Parasitic pneumonia

3.    Nephrosis and nephritis

4.    Pathology of pericarditis

5.    Encephalomalcia

6.    Orchitis

7.    Cysts formation in female genital tract

2-               مقرر:  البكتريا والفطريات والمناعة

اسم القسم: قسم البكتريا والفطريات والمناعة

اسم المقرر: البكتريا والفطريات والمناعة

كود المقرر:  S3-MICR

الفرقة: الثالثة (قديم)


الموضوعات البحثية

يرجى اتباع الارشادات العامة عند كتابة البحث

1.    Bacterial and fungal causes of MASTITIS

2.    Bacterial and fungal causes of ABORTION

3.    F. Enterobacteriaceae members and their problems in animals and poultry

4.    Bacterial and fungal causes of RESPIRATORY AFFECTIONS in animals and poultry

5.    Bacterial and fungal causes of SKIN AFFECTIONS in animals

6.    Bacterial and fungal causes of LYMPHATIC  AFFECTIONS in animals

7.    Bacterial and fungal TOXINS of veterinary importance

3-               مقرر: طفيليات (جزء ثان)


اسم القسم

طفيليات (جزء ثان)

PAR: 3236

اسم المقرر

كود المقرر

الفرقة: الثالثة (قديم)

الموضوعات البحثية



I. Blood sucking insects of veterinary and medical importance:

Write a review article on one of the following insects including common species, morphology, biology, importance, and control measures.

1- Culex spp.          2- Anopheles spp.      3- Aedes spp.     4- Sand flies                 5- Stomoxys spp.                 6-Tabanus spp.                   7-Glossina spp.

Support your article with figures (the article should include one figure for morphology and another for biology).


II. Fleas affecting animals and birds:

Write a review article on one of the following fleas including common species, morphology, biology, importance, and control measures.

1- Dog fleas.              2- Rat fleas.                             3- Chicken fleas.


III. Lice affecting animals and birds:

Write a review article on one of the following lice including common species, morphology, biology, importance, and control methods.

1. Lice of pets.           2. Lice of poultry.         3. Lice of large animals.


IV. Myiasis of domestic animals:

Many insects have the ability produce myasis. Write a review article on one of the following myasis- inducing insects including common species, morphology, biology, importance, and control measures.

 1. Sarcophaga spp.     2. Hypoderma spp.             3. Wohlfahrtia spp.

4. Gastrophilus spp        5. Oestrus ovis.                        6. Musca spp.

Avoid copy and paste from internet, parasitology textbook and your classmates' articles


V. Tick flies:

Write a review article on one of the following insects including common species, morphology, biology, importance, and control measures.

1.   Hippobosca spp.   2. Pseudolynchia canariensis.   3. Melophagus ovinus


VI. Mites of domestic animals and poultry:

Mites affect animals and chicken causing severe diseases. Write a review article on one of the following mites including common species, morphology, biology, importance, and control measures.

1. Mites of cattle.             2. Mites of pets.             3. Mites of rabbits.            4. Mites of poultry.


VII. Common hard and soft ticks in Egypt

Write a review article on one of the following ticks including common species, morphology, biology, importance, and control measures.

1-     One host tick.          2. Two host ticks.              3. Three host ticks.         4. Soft ticks of poultry.

يرجى اتباع الارشادات العامة عند كتابة البحث


VIII. Flagellates affecting animals and birds:

Write a review article on one of the following trypanosomes including common species, morphology, biology, importance, and control measures.

  1. Trypanosomes of equines.               2. Trypanosomes of camels.             3. Trypanosomes of dogs.                      4.   Trypanosomes of cattle.              5. Trichomoniasis of cattle.               6. Trichomoniasis of pigeons.


IX. Enteric coccidiosis in animals and birds.

Write a review article on one of the following Eimeria spp. including common species, morphology, biology, importance, and control measures.

1. Eimeria spp. in chicken.                   2. Eimeria spp. in goats.          3. Eimeria spp. in calves.


X. Tissue cysts-forming protozoa:

Write a review article on one of the following protozoa including common species, morphology, biology, importance, and control measures.

1.     Toxoplasma spp.                        2. Sarcocystis spp. of buffaloes


XI. Tick-borne pathogens affecting animals.

Write a review article on one of the following pathogens including common species, morphology, biology, importance, and control methods.

1. Babesia spp. of cattle.                           2. Babesia spp. of dogs.       3. Theileria spp. of cattle                     4. Anaplasma spp. of cattle.         5. Hepatozoon spp.

4-              مقرر : الادوية (جزء ثان)

اسم القسم

الأدوية (الفارماكولوجيا)

اسم المقرر

الأدوية (جزء ثان) Pharmacology (Part II)                          

كود المقرر

PHA : 3237

الفرقة: الثالثة (حديث)



الموضوعات البحثية

يرجى اتباع الارشادات العامة عند كتابة البحث

Introduction – Definitions - Drug residues are economic as well as public health related - Factors that increase the development of residues in food-producing animals - Withdrawal time - Examples for compounds with residual effect - Methods for detection of residues - Risks of drug residues - How to avoid drug residues.

 Drug residues

Introduction – Definitions -Types and classifications - Mode of action - Problems for human consumers - References

Growth promoters and feed additives

introduction (definitions of toxicology, poison and lassification of drug toxicology) – body ( causes of toxicity - fate of poisons in the body -actors modifying the effect of poisons - classification of poisons -diagnosis of poisoning - general treatment of poisoning ( removal of poisons - administration of antidote -chelating agents) .

General drug toxicology

Introduction (Definition - Properties of ideal anthelmintic- General mode of action of anthelmintics - Classification of anthelmintics).

Body (Antinematodal drugs - Anticestodal drugs - Drugs acting on flukes or trematodes)

Requirments for each group : Definition , classification, action , mechanism of action, spectrum side effects contraindication  toxicity and treatment of toxicity and examples in each group


(Classification, Mode of action, Clinical applications, Side effects and Toxicity)


(Mechanism of action, Classification and Interferons)

Antiviral drugs

Feed additive used as growth promotors

Antiseptics and disinfectants used in veterinary medicine

5-               تغذية (خاص)


اسم القسم: التغذية والتغذية الإكلينيكية


اسم المقرر: تغذية (خاص)

كود المقرر: : 3238NUT:


الفرقة: الثالثة (حديث)



الموضوعات البحثية


يرجى اتباع الارشادات العامة عند كتابة البحث

1.  Feeds and feeding systems for dairy calves from birth to weaning.


2.  Feeding of growing calves from weaning to over 12 months.


3.  Feeding and nutritional management of dairy Cows.


4.  Nutrient requirements of replacement heifers.


5.  Nutritionally related dairy herd diseases.


6.  Feed additives used in livestock production.


7.  Nutritional requirements(needs) for ewes in different phases


8.  Feeding f breeding ewes 


9.  Feeding of lambs


  1. Nutrition - related metabolic disorders in sheep.


  1. Feeding standards and the productive functions.


  1. Nutritional influences on milk yield and milk composition.


13.       Maternal nutrition and its effect on fetal development and reproductive performance.


14.       The nutrients required for fattening, and the method of feeding for greatest economy in beef production.


  1. Feeding of broilers


  1. Feeding of layers


  1. Feeding of chicken breeders


  1. Feeding of waterfowls


  1. Feeding of turkeys


  1. Feeding of rabbits



6-                الاقتصاد وإدارة المشروعات البيطرية.


اسم القسم: الرعاية وتنمية الثروة الحيوانية والداجنة


اسم المقرر: الاقتصاد وإدارة المشروعات البيطرية.

كود المقرر:1213 V EP:


الفرقة: الاولى



الموضوعات البحثية


·   ارشادات عامة

1.    Different costs of livestock projects


2.    Production functions and its in veterinary business


3.    Elasticity of livestock products and its importance


4.    Economic problem in veterinary business


5.    Demand on livestock products


6.    Supply of animal products


7.    Market and Market equilibrium


8.    Marketing mix of livestock products

ارشادات عامة

Guidelines for writing an essay/research

1-    An individual student or 3-5 students can share one essay/research.

2-    The essay/research should include a cover page containing the ID number (s) of the participant (s), year (1st  حديث ), article topic, and e-mail of the corresponding participant for contact.

3-    Write 5-10 pages excluding cover page

4-     Student must submit essay/research in WORD format or PDF files, Font size 14 , line spacing 1.5, Times New Roman style or Arial with normal margins (2.5 cm/1 inch on each side of the paper).

5-    The essay/research consists of 4 main parts: introduction, body, conclusion and References.

6-    Support your article with illustrations and figures when possible.

7-    Organize the essay so that it covers a set list of subtopics that each supports your main topic.

8-     Include a reference list at the end of the essay/research arranged alphabetically.

يختار الطالب احد الموضوعات السابقة لكتابة مقالة بحثية من 5-10 صفحات بالمواصفات التالية:

1-   يكتب الطالب علي الغلاف كافة البيانات (الرقم القومى وعنوان البحث و الفرقة و المادة )

2-    يكتب الطالب مقدمة  introduction فى موضوع البحث لا تزيد عن صفحة واحدة و يتناول فيها الطالب اهمية موضوع البحث ( تقديم وتحضير القارئ لفكرة بحثك - استعراض فكرة بحثك، أو وجهة نظرك -  استعراض الطريقة أو الأفكار التي من خلالها ستثبت وجهة نظرك).

3-    المتن أو المحتوى : وهو القسم الرئيسي من أي بحث، ويمثل جوهر الموضوع لأنه يحوي القسم الأكبر من المعلومات  (يقسم الطالب البحث الي عدة عناصر كما تم دراسته مدعما شرحه بالصور والرسومات كلما امكن ).

4-   يختم الطالب البحث  بخلاصة  conclusion فى نصف صفحة

5-   و اخيرا يذكر الطالب اسماء المراجع  References التى اقتبس منها و اعتمد عليها في اعداد البحث


·       هام جدا : يتم كتابة البحث على النموذج المرفق لكل فرقة

مصادر معلومات مقترحة لإعداد البحوث العلمية

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