Research Article

Heavy metal residues in local and imported fish in Egypt

Fatma H.M. Ali, Nasser S. Abdel-Atty, Jehan M. M. ouf, Marwa A. S. Moustafa
Food Hygiene Dept., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt.

JVMR. 2016; 23(1): 71-76


A total of 100 random muscle samples of Oreochromis niloticus, Claries lazera, imported Mugil cephalus and Scomber scombrus fish (25 of each) were collected from different markets in Fayoum City for determination of lead, cadmium, copper and mercury residual levels to ascertain whether these levels exceeded the prescribed legal limits. The mean mercury level in the edible muscles tissues of fish species were ranged from below detectable level to 0.29 ppm in local fish and to 0.28 ppm in imported fish. The residual levels were not exceeded the prescribed legal limits of the European Commission Regulation (EC). The highest mean levels of cadmium were recorded in Mackerel (0.119 ± 0.060, ppm) which exceeded the permitted values stipulated by European Commission (EC). The samples in this study contained copper within of the general guideline limit for copper in food. The highest mean levels of lead were also recorded in Mackerel (0.477±0.073 ppm) which exceeded the permitted value stipulated by European Commission (EC). The results were evaluated according to International standards of WHO and EC. The provisional tolerable weekly intakes used in this study to assess the relative safety of marketed in Fayoum. The public health significance of heavy metal residues in fishes were also discussed.


Heavy metals, Oreochromis niloticus, Claries lazera, Mugil cephalus, Scomber scombrus

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